Appeal launched with Friends of the Loxley Valley
We have launched a fundraising appeal alongside our campaign partners Friends of the Loxley Valley in order to fight plans for the Loxley valley township.
We are jointly appealing for donations to help us ensure local concerns are voiced effectively at a planning inquiry hearing early next year.
If you would like to donate, you can give money NOW using the online site GoFundMe:
The fighting fund will help us to employ professional planning experts that at the public planning inquiry next year. Developers Patrick Properties have appealed against Sheffield City Council’s refusal of planning permission (more details in this article).
The developers want to build up to 300 homes on the redundant Hepworth refractory works at the valley’s heart.
A Planning Inspector will hear their case at an inquiry beginning on Monday 12th April. The hearing is likely to be held online, and will last for an estimated ten days. Sheffield City Council will fight the appeal, arguing there were good grounds for refusing planning permission. We support the council, but we also want the Planning Inspector to be in no doubt about how strongly local people feel.
The more you give, the greater our chances of winning and defending the city’s democratic decision!
We believe that the Loxley valley deserves a better solution than unsustainable mass housing.
Please help us to save the Loxley valley.
Thank you !